Saturday, 14 February 2015


Maybelline Lip Liner in Velvet Beige (£3.99)
Wet'n'Wild Lipstick in Think Pink (£2.30)

As you all may have noticed, the whole 90s nude lip has been a big thing lately thanks to celebs like Kylie Jenner. If you've been trying to find your perfect shade but have had no luck, or don't want to splurge on a Mac lippy, I may have found the solution for you. Ultimately, nude's can be more on the pink, brown, or concealer-y side depending on personal preference and what you think suits your skin tone more. 

I found my perfect 90s combo by mixing a more browny nude lip liner, with a pale pink lipstick. I wasn't trying to find this combo in particular, but on my last trip to the US I bought this Wet'n'Wild lipstick thinking it would be a nice light pink shade, but it ended up looking WAY too pale and weird on me. Instead of throwing it away, I rummaged through my stash to see what I could mix it with to tone down the pale-ness, when I saw that Maybelline lip liner and thought I'd give it a go. Lo and behold I found my perfect nude lip. 
I usually fill in my whole lip with the liner, then go on top with the lipstick, and then blend it out with my fingers a bit. Both formulas are quite matte, but still quite creamy to apply and comfortable to wear. What I love about this is it's totally customizable. You can apply more of the browny lip liner, or more of the pinky lipstick depending on what you're feeling that day.

I'd love to know if any of you guys try out this combo, or if you've found another color or combo that works for you.

1 comment :

  1. Thank you so much :D!
    I'll check your blog out for sure x
