Saturday, 18 July 2015


I love trying out new products all the time; however, that usually comes with the cost of having a lot of half finished products. Being a relatively new blogger, I sometimes forget and throw something out before thinking about whether to save it for a post or not. That being said, here are a few empties I've remembered to keep, and what I thought about them.


This is EASILY my favorite drugstore foundation ever. It's basically been the foundation I've worn 90% of the time since buying it, and rivals many of my other high-end bases. I love that it has medium coverage, but still looks like skin and wears really well throughout the day. It would be my no.1 base if it weren't for these two things: I got the color 54 Beige, which is a close match but a tad dark and on the pinky side, I wish they made more yellow based shades; and although I love the finish, after a few hours I can look greasy even when I use a primer and powder. It's an easy fix, but I wish it came in slightly less dewy finish. I would definitely repurchase this again though, maybe try shade 53?


Once again, a favorite. This alone with the foundation above has been by base of choice over the past year or so. It doesn't crease, lasts pretty much all day, and I love the twisting mechanism and applicator. It comes as a close second to my beloved Nars creamy concealer, but doesn't quite make it. The downfall is that I can only use this concealer for under the eyes and not for blemishes, so it's not very multi-purpose, but I'd still repurchase it nevertheless.


I know, I know, everyone and their mother has raved about this so I'm not going to go on about it for too long. Tiny nib to draw in hair-like strokes? Check. Range of colors? Check (I use Brunette). Spoolie? Check (and the best spoolie i've ever had, btw). There's not much else I need from a brow pencil. I will say that before repurchasing, I will be testing out Soap & Glory's version as many people say they're pretty much identical.


This will be the only product in this post that I don't rave about. Did I like it? Yes. But did I love it? No. I think it did a pretty good job at cleansing my face, it didn't dry it out in any way and left my skin feeling clean. However, it didn't do anything special. My pores and oiliness remained the same throughout using it, and I found it a little difficult to wash off after massaging it into my skin (I'm still not on board with the whole use a flannel thing on the daily). If you have very oily skin it may be worth checking out I suppose, but I'd definitely recommend the mask from this range over the cleanser. Verdict? No repurchase.

I hope my opinions were somewhat helpful, and I'd love to know what you think of these products or what products you always repurchase. Leave a comment below!

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