Saturday, 20 December 2014


Wood Sage & Sea Salt Cologne, £40.00 30ml

I am not an adventurous perfume person. I have discovered a few perfumes that I love, and have never really felt the need to branch out from there. That being said, when the new Jo Malone perfume came out I was very intrigued. After seeing it all around the blogosphere I decided to give it a sniff the next time I was out, and boy was I happy I did. Jo Malone's Wood Sage & Sea Salt fragrance is one of the most interesting perfumes I own, and possibly ever sniffed. It smells exactly like you'd expect - a salty breeze on a cool beach day. Something about the warm earthy tones of the perfume feels very nostalgic to me, and it makes me happy every time I spritz it on. If you think that this is a scent you'd like, I definitely recommend going in store to check it out, or maybe even some of their other fragrances as they have a huge selection to suit anyone's taste. It's also perfect to put on a christmas or birthday list f it's a little out of your price range. I'm definitely going to repurchase it in a larger size once I run out of this one.

Saturday, 13 December 2014


When Estee and Amelia first put up this tag i thought it was such a cute idea. I'm all about me-time, and so i knew i would one day answer these questions myself. I've also never done a tag or 'get to know me' kind of post, so this is a good way to start.

What do you watch or read during me-time?
The question is, what do I NOT watch? I follow way too many shows for anyone's own good, but i'm currently super into House of Cards, The 100, Grey's Anatomy, and Arrow. Also not so patiently waiting for How to Get Away With Murder to start up again.
What do you wear during me-time?
99% of the time it's PJs from Aerie, Primark, or Oysho, a comfy hoodie, and of course #nobra.
What are your me-time beauty products?
Usually just lots and lots of lipbalm. If i feel like pampering myself i might put on a face mask - you can check out some of my favorites here
Current favourite nail polish?
I'm usually all about the super pastel or super dark colors. Currently i'm loving Essie's After School-boy Blazer which is a gorgeous almost black navy blue, and Angora Cardie which is a brown, pink and purple.
What do you eat/drink during me-time?
This one is hard because it usually depends on my mood. Most likely i'd have a cup of tea or some water to drink. As for food it can be anywhere from carrots, to chips (mmm, flaming hot cheetos), to popcorn.
Current favourite candle?
Bath and Body Works' autumn candles are my absolute favorite. I know it's almost winter now (not so much here, but we like to pretend), but i'm still obsessed with Flannel. Vanilla Chai was also delicious smelling, i hope they still stock it so i can pick up another.
Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
Not really. I usually like to relax in bed during me-time.
Would you ever go see a movie alone?
I have many times so yes. I don't know why some people think this is a big deal, I really don't mind going to movies alone.
Favourite online shop?
Shopbop, Baublebar and Asos. I shop online so frequently i know my credit card details off by heart #noshame.
Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time?
I love to play/listen to music during me-time. I find it really easy to get lost in and it's such a stress reliever.

I hope you enjoyed learning something new about me. I tag Nueyork, and of course anybody else who wants to do this. Link it to me below so i can check it out :)

Saturday, 6 December 2014


In case you haven't heard, Mac has a recycling program called Back to Mac, where if you've used up 6 of their products you can empty them out and exchange them for a free lipstick. Now i'm not one that generally needs enabling when it comes to lipstick purchases, but after my mom dug up some of her super retro lipsticks, along with two that i had finished up (Hug Me and Mocha) i knew it was a back to mac opportunity waiting to happen.

Mac Lustre Lipstick in See Sheer, £15.50
I have a couple of Mac lipsticks on my list to try out, but i ended up going with See Sheer. It's a beautiful coral shade that's both a bit pink and orange, but not too much of either. They only orange shades i have in my stash are SUPER orange, so this is a nice alternative if i'm feeling like rocking that color but not a bold lip. It's in the Lustre formula, which means it's not super opaque, but adds a nice wash of color and is quite moisturizing.

Next on my list to try are Brick-O-La and Syrup. Let me know what some of your favorite Mac lipsticks are and if i should add any to my list.

Saturday, 29 November 2014


I have a love/hate relationship with running. When I get a routine going and do it semi-regularly it isn't too bad, but if I stop for a few months, coming back to it is absolute hell and I end up wondering why I would inflict such torture upon myself. That being said, I've been pretty good about it since September, and through the motivation of my sister I signed up for my first ever race which took place yesterday. It was a 4.5km race (no idea why they didn't bump it up to 5k, but oh well) and although I didn't get an amazing time, I was happy that i achieved my goal of under 30mins - I did it in 29:36 (Pace of 6:47/km). Two quick lessons/things that would've been nice to hear before the race:

1. IGNORE THE PEOPLE. Seriously. It does you no good trying to keep up with someone or worrying about the amount of people that pass you. Yes, it's a bit weird and stressful if you're used to running alone, but know your pace and stick to it. Especially at the beginning. You don't want to burn out too soon and end up injuring yourself.

2. Breathe and keep going. You are doing this for you, not anyone else. If you need to walk, that's absolutely fine, just keep going and don't stop. You got this!

The only thing that got me through and helped my push was my music as i can NOT run listening to my panting. If you need some motivation or ideas, here's a look at my playlist:
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark - Fall Out Boy
Harder To Breathe - Maroon 5
Sex - The 1975
Animal - Neon Trees
Secret Valentine - We The Kings
Rusty Halo - The Script
The Great Escape - Boys Like Girls
Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
The Dog Days Are Over - Florence and The Machine
Let It Go - The Neighbourhood
The Mighty Fall (Feat. Big Sean) - Fall Out Boy
Don't Speak - No Doubt
The Last Something That Meant Anything - Mayday Parade
Wish You Away - There For Tomorrow
Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson
Shake It - Metro Station
The Reckless And The Brave - All Time Low
Moving In the Dark - Neon Trees
Car Underwater - Armor For Sleep
Mad Love - Neon Trees
Say It Ain't So - Weezer
Life After You - Daughtry
Love Drunk - Boys Like Girls
Trojans - Atlas Genius
I realize that some of the choices may seem a bit weird, but I need the beat of my music to match the pace i'm running at, so with the help of I've compiled this list. If you have any suggestions of songs you think I'd like, or some of your favorite workout music, I'd love to hear it!

Saturday, 22 November 2014


When the Hourglass Ambient Lighting powders were released I wasn't too excited to run out and try them. I've never been big on highlight-y products because of my combo-oily skin, and so I never gave in to that hype. My sister does swear by them though, so I can always borrow hers to try out. Anyway that's not what i'm getting at today. When Hourglass started releasing their Ambient Lighting Blushes is when I got excited, as blushes are definitely more up my street. I'd go into Space NK to swatch them, but I found the lighting made the colors look weird and I couldn't decide if I really loved them or not. Fast forward a few months and people start talking about a limited edition Ambient Lighting Blush Palette and I think yes, this is it, this is what I need *cough*want*cough*. So of course to feed my online shopping addiction, I pre-order the palette on Space NK the moment it's available, and it finally arrived on my doorstep this week. 

I've only used it a couple of times so far, but I'm pretty impressed. First of all the packaging is so cute. I love that you get three different shades, one of which is exclusive to the palette, and each color is mixed with a different traditional Ambient Lighting powder. I don't mind the fact that you don't get the full sized amount of each product, as I personally have yet to hit pan on a blush. There's Luminous Flush, a gorgeous rose color; Incandescent Electra, a glowy peach (exclusive); and Mood Exposure, a soft plum. I can't decide on which is my favorite, or if I even have one, but I'm pretty sure I'll be leaning toward Mood Exposure the most these next few months. This palette is also great for traveling as the three shades have you set for any kind of look, and the mixture of the Ambient Lighting powders within them means you don't really need a highlighter.

I'd love to know if you've tried any of the Ambient Lighting powders or blushes and what you think of them, or if you recommend I try any other Hourglass products.

Saturday, 15 November 2014


Revlon Colorstay Moisture Lip Stain, £7.99

There have been a lot of mixed reviews on these lip products, but I have to jump on the 'love' bandwagon. I was interested in trying them out because I generally love Revlon lip products anyway, and the promise of moisture, shine AND longevity was that one last push I needed.

First of all, I love the packaging. The cube is a teeny bit chunky, but they sit next to each other so perfectly that it doesn't really bother me at all. The actual applicator is also a good size, with a tapered end to help you get the perfect application around the corners and cupids bow. Now on to the actual product. The formula has a bit of a weird texture that's kind of thick and watery, but it smoothes on to the lips so easily you barely notice. On first application it might look a bit patchy, but just rub your lips together a bit and put on a second coat and voila - smooth, opaque and lovely. I have the two shades Barcelona Nights and Shanghai Sizzle, and I found no difference in the formula between them. After the first application I found I was good to go for a few hours before the shine faded, and even when it did I was left with a lovely non-drying stain. The color selection is also gorgeous, with 12 shades there's bound to be something for everyone. 

So all in all this is a definite hit for me. Let me know what you guys thought of this product, or if you had issues with any of the colors. I might need to pick up India Intrigue sometime soon, I love that purple-y undertone…

Saturday, 8 November 2014


I love a good face mask. I try and do one 1-2 times a week depending on my skin and what i feel like it needs. I've been trying my best not to hoard any new ones until i use up a couple from my stash. Here are my top picks for three different kinds of moods (all of which smell amazing, btw)


Aesop Chamomile Concentrate Anti Blemish Masque, £33 for 60ml
I got this mask as a recommendation from the sales person after explaining what kind of thing i was looking for, and i was very impressed. I've never tried anything else from Aesop before, but many people love it so i thought i'd give it a go. I normally use this when i feel like my skin can't decide what it wants to do. I might have some dry patches, a few blemishes, and some oily patches; i just slap this on, leave it for a good 15-20mins, and my skin is very happy afterwards. I don't find it helps with really nasty stubborn spots, but it does a great job at just calming everything down and making my face 'one'. I will definitely repurchase this once i run out.


Glamglow Thirstymud £49.99 for 50ml 
Now i've never tried a hydrating mask before, so i don't really have a basis of comparison, but i do think this is an excellent mask. I love how there's a little leaflet inside explaining different ways of using this product, such as as a regular mask, on the plane, or as an overnight intensive treatment. I used this quite a lot when i got sunburned, and it really helped to stop the peeling and wholly nourish my skin. Especially when i put on a thick layer of it overnight, i woke up the next morning with my skin looking happy and no dry patch in sight. If you're a gal with dry skin (or not, mine is oily-combo) I'd definitely recommend giving this a go.

This is the BEST mask i have tried for a really deep cleanse when your skin is just not cooperating with you. It gets super deep into your pores and manages to pull out any dirt that's in there. I usually put a thinnish layer all over my face, and then add more to the areas that i feel need it. It is a bit weird and tingly when you first apply it, but after a few minutes that goes away and you can leave it on for as long as you need (i usually do 10-15 minutes). Unlike other mud masks, it doesn't dry out my skin like crazy, but rather leaves it feeling soft and refreshed.

I'd love to hear what some of your favorites are in the comments below :)

Saturday, 1 November 2014


I am generally a big blush fan. After evening my skin out with a good foundation and concealer, i always feel like a little more color needs to be brought back into the face, and more often than not I go for a blush over a bronzer. I never thought i would  be too picky on which color i use since i apply it with a light hand, but i found that i actually switch it up quite a lot depending on what i'm doing with the rest of my makeup. My favorite blush for autumn/winter time in general is Sleek's Pomegranate. 

Sleek Blush in Pomegranate, £4.49
Although we don't get a lot of cooler weather here in Dubai, i still like to imagine it's autumn right now. Sleek in general do the best blushes on the high street. You get quite a lot of product, and they're so pigmented you only ever need the slightest amount. They also do some great trios with a variety of shades, very compact and perfect for traveling. 

Back to Pomegranate though. I got this blush a little over year ago, and i remember being pretty much obsessed with it last autumn/winter too. It's a deep raspberry color with a bit of shimmer running through it, and it blends like a dream. I think this color will work great with all skin tones, but it really packs a punch, so if you're on the lighter side make sure to use a VERY light hand when applying it. 

The shimmer in it helps perk up the complexion, and i think the color looks amazing with a bold berry or red lip - I love pairing it with Mac's Rebel. I'm also very impressed that this color doesn't fade away throughout the day like most blushes. I wore it for a whole day (almost 12 hours) this week, and it was still visibly there come night time; there was no fading or weird patching . All in all, i really have nothing bad to say about this baby.

What are some of your favorite all time blushes? I'd love to know x

Saturday, 25 October 2014


I am a big Lush fan. From their bath bombs to their skincare to their haircare, i like it all. I've recently gotten through a few of their products, so here are some of my thoughts.
I liked this product but didn't absolutely love it. Great value for money as you only need a few spritz and the bottle will last you a good couple of months. I used it as my second toner morning and night, after my Pixi Glow Tonic to add extra hydration. It worked pretty well but didn't do any wonders for my skin. I have the Tea Tree toner lined up next to try as i know everybody loves it to combat spots, so i'll let you know what i think of it once i get through the bottle.
I wasn't the biggest fan of this body wash. I found the grapefruit smell to be a bit too strong, but it did the job and didn't irritate my skin. You also don't need a lot to build up a lather which is good. However, i don't think i'll be repurchasing it given that i don't love the scent.
I really did not like this. It was super slippery and awkward to use, and the scent wasn't my favorite either. I tried to break it into smaller pieces to make it easier to use, but that just made matters worse. Safe to say, i definitely won't be repurchasing any kind of shower jelly.
I absolutely loved this product. Even though it was a bit hard to use since you have to scoop it out, it worked GREAT for my curly hair. The texture is really interesting since it has actual coconut bits in it, but i think that helped with the curls. It also smelt amazing. I'll definitely be picking this up again, i just wish it had a matching conditioner!

Retread Conditioner, £10.75 for 245g
I also loved this product. It smells like soya, which was odd at first but i grew to love. The texture is so light and smooth, but it does a great job at moisturizing my ends. The only downfall is i feel like i had to use quite a lot to get the moisture i wanted, and i don't have thick hair at all. Other than that though it was great, and i'll probably be repurchasing it sometime in the future.

Let me know what some of your favorite Lush products are, and what i should try next :)

Saturday, 18 October 2014


I have very oily eyelids. There's no other way going about it. If you've never thought about it or don't have any problems with eyeshadow, this may seem really strange, but i'm sure there are many of you out there who know exactly how i feel. Eyeshadows crease on me like crazy. No matter what formula or brand i use, within a few hours most of it will have smudged or collected in my crease in a weird and very unattractive fashion. But i have good news, as today i come with a solution.

NARS Pro-Prime Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base, £19.50
 I decided to try out the Nars eyeshadow primer after hearing youtuber Ingrid (Missglamorazzi) rave about it so much. I had tried other alternatives such as Urban Decay's Primer Potion, which helped but didn't completely eliminate creasing, so i wasn't TOO hopeful about this. I'm glad to say i was completely wrong.

Using the doe foot applicator, i smush (yes, that's a word) what comes out onto both lids, and use my fingers to blend it all out. It has no color or strange texture, and sinks into the skin almost immediately leaving no weird wetness or anything behind. From there you can just go ahead and apply your eyeshadow/eyeliner etc. the way you usually do. For me this totally eliminates any creasing and unwanted blending of any sort, and also helps the color of the eyeshadows appear more vibrant. My eye makeup looks exactly the same after 12 hours as it did when i first applied it, which are better results than i could have ever asked for. I've also come to using it even if i don't have any eyeshadow or liner on, to avoid an oily pool collection (gross) on my lids.

 If you haven't tried this primer out, i highly recommend it. If you have, let me know what you think, and i'd love to hear some other favorites of yours. My new mission is to find a drugstore dupe for this NARS one.

Saturday, 11 October 2014


My very first non-beauty post is dedicated to my love of music. I am always on the hunt for a new band or artist to listen to with something new or unique to offer, and man did i find a gem this time. Spotify has been great for me to find new artists, or ones i haven't heard of before, and that's how i stumbled across The Franklin Electric. They are an alternative folk-pop band from Montreal, who were brought into the spotlight when their song 'Old Piano' won first place in the Nashville Songwriting competition song in 2012.

What i absolutely love about them is their incorporation of brass instruments (mainly a trumpet, played by the lead singer Jon Matte) into their music. It doesn't seem like the most likely combination, but it works so well, and he plays it so beautifully i just fall in love every time i listen to the album. They remind me of Mumford and Sons mixed with a jazzy edge, making them just so freakin' cool.

'This Is How I Let You Down' contains an array of songs that i can easily listen to on repeat when driving or just relaxing on my bed. I also absolutely love the orchestral remixes. Being a violin player myself (albeit not a very goof one, but still), I am so happy when strings and other classical instruments are mixed in with modern music to form beautiful sounds. I love every song on the album, but if i had to choose my top 3 they would be: Uninvited (Storm), This Is How I Let You Down (Orchestral Remix), and Running. Even if this doesn't seem like your thing, i urge you to check them out and give them some love. I'm sure they're going to be big soon.

Saturday, 4 October 2014


Let's be honest here, no ones likes the look or feeling of dry chappy lips, but at the same time it's something we all go through at one time or another. Unlucky for me, my one time is pretty much all the time. However, what's unfortunate for me is lucky for you, as this means i have tried and tested many balms, and can help you decide what to try out and what to pass up. Having constantly dry lips has left me on a never ending hunt for the perfect lip balm (or shall i say lip balms), and here are my top five picks.

You might be wondering why i haven't narrowed these picks down to the ultimate one, and the truth is .. i can't! They ultimately do the same job, but i use each one in a different way and for a different reason, so here's the break down:

1. Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranate Oil, £3.69
Not only is this one of my all time favorite lip balms ever, it is the easiest one to find. I prefer the pomegranate version over the others mostly for the scent, but all of Burt's Bees lip balms are brilliant. So much in fact, that i never leave the house without one of these in my purse. It's great underneath lipstick to keep your lips hydrated and protected, but also ontop of some of the more drying formulas. I also find that applying this once a lipstick has faded away and left a stain really helps even things out, and stops the color from settling into the lines of the lips. 

2. H&M Lip Balm in Wild Vanilla, £1.50 (Can't find exact product, linked a similar one)
I have never actually heard anyone talk about these before, so it may seem like an unusual pick, but i really think this is one of those hidden gems. Honestly, i would never have thought to pick this up, but those stands they have near the cashiers -you know what i'm talking about- pulled me in and i thought 'what the heck, might as well give it a go' and i'm happy to say i was pleasantly surprised. Given that it's only £1.55 for such a huge tube, i had nothing to lose anyway. The formula has Shea butter in it which i absolutely love, and i find the texture to be nice and rich - great for no makeup days. So yes, it's quite big and chunky and definitely not ideal handbag size, but it's a great one to have in your room/bathroom/around the house. 

3. EOS Lipbalm in Lemon Drop, £4.20
Now this is one that has been raved about over and over, and after finally getting my hands on one i can see why. It's not my FAVORITE out of my picks, but it's a great one none the less. Full of Shea butter and vitamins C&E, this is once again a great light balm for daily use. It's also the only one on here with SPF 15, which makes it great for holidays. If a lemon-y scent isn't your thing though, i'd suggest trying out one of the other flavors, as it is quite strong.

4. Nuxe Rêve de Miel Ultra-Nourishing Lip Balm, £9.50
Time for a cult classic. After seeing many beauty bloggers and youtubers go on about this balm i had to give it a go. The texture is super rich and creamy which makes it a great one for overnight use. I use this one daily before going to bed and it has helped SO much with the overall condition of my lips. I hardly ever wake up feeling chapped and dehydrated as the thick texture is ultra moisturizing and makes it last all night. If you have very problematic lips or are going through a 'rough patch' i'd definitely recommend to give this a go. It's not the cheapest, but honestly so much product comes in this little pot that it will last you a very long time (and it's well worth it).

5. Dr. Lipp's Original Nipple Balm for Lips, £11.50
This is my ultimate SOS balm when nothing else seems to do the trick. I know the name seems a little weird, but the product is really something else. It's a thick, clear, and slightly sticky textured balm that can be used on dry lips, eczema, cuticles, burns and you guessed it - sore nipples. I have personally only tried it on lips and dry elbows, and it's definitely a super intensive treatment. So much so in fact, that i sometimes still feel it on my lips when i wake up. The glossy finish it leaves means it can also be used on top of any lip product of your preference to add a nice shine. The site even suggests trying it for highlighting the cheekbones, but given the texture it's not something i'm too keen on trying out. Nevertheless, if you need an intensive treatment that just works, try this out.

So let me know what are your all time favorite holy-grail balms, as i'm always open to trying out new ones. You never know, one might end up replacing one of my top 5.

Saturday, 27 September 2014


We've all seen the Argan Oil trend come in to light over the past few years, with tons of brands including it in their hair, face, and body care products. This is both a good and bad thing. Mainly good, because people can now enjoy the benefits of Aragan Oil without having to search far and wide for it. However, it's also not so great as some brands include a minuscule amount and use it for advertising, when just 1% of the oil among a sea of other ingredient won't really allow you to receive any of the benefits.

Moroccanoil Treatment, £31.85 for 100ml
Personally, i love using it for my hair, especially the Moroccanoil brand. I have pretty soft hair in general, but since it's curly, the top layer and ends can frizz out quite a bit. For this reason, i love using a pump or two straight onto damp hair before applying any other products. I find that it allows the ends of my hair to hold the curl more, add moisture and shine, and helps lessen the appearance of frizz. And even thought i said i have pretty soft hair, this just makes my hair SO MUCH softer. It also smells amazing which is always a plus.I also found that it can also be used on dry hair to tame those fly aways, but be careful not to apply too much as it can look greasy.

So if you haven't given it ago, i'd highly recommend incorporating it into your routine for some extra nourishment. And if you have tried Argan Oil, let me know what's your favorite way to use it in the comments below.

Saturday, 20 September 2014


I have never been much of a eyeliner person, let alone liquid liner. No matter how hard i tried, i could never get the hang of it. The wings were wonky, or one was always too thick, and it just made my eyes look like two completely different shapes. For that reason, i left it alone and stuck to tons of mascara instead. Recently however, as i've been getting more into applying simple eyeshadow on a semi daily basis, i kept feeling like my look was missing something: eyeliner. So i decided to try again.

What i realized was gel liner was NOT for me. I can never get the right amount onto my brush, it dries out in a weird way, and overall requires too much faffing about. I like it to be quick, simple, and comfortable. So i ventured into the liquid liner department. Dangerous territory, but once you find the right product it's magic. And oh did i find the right product.

Oh Stila. Stila, stila, stila. So many people have talked about this product before, i don't know why i waited so long to give it a go and denied myself years of perfect cat eyed liquid liner. I have to admit, the perfect wings don't magically appear everyday day, but this liner has definitely made it SO much easier. 

First of all, it's in pen form, which i personally think is the easiest since we can all write and have been doing so for years, so holding this is very natural. Second, the felt-tip nib is the perfect firmness and length. It's not so hard that it pokes your eye out, but rather keeps its shape while still bending along with your movement. It also doesn't go all weird and fuzzy, or become too soft after constant use. And finally, the formula itself is just great. It's jet black on it's own or on top of eyeshadow, and
as the name suggests it stays on ALL day. Even in hot, sweaty, sticky weather it does not budge (i've had a wing smudge halfway down my face before - definitely NOT attractive). So for the moment, this is my favorite product. I've been wearing it all throughout summer, and see myself doing so into the autumn and winter months.

Let me know what's your favorite liquid liner, and which one i should try next. On my list is the Soap & Glory Supercat liner.

Saturday, 13 September 2014


I struggle to find a Matte lipstick formula that i like. Most of them are too drying and stripping on my lips, no matter what lip balm i use beforehand. I've tried out some blogger favorites such as the Nars Velvet Matte Lip Pencils, and although the colors are beautiful, they just don't work for me without some kind of balm underneath - defeating the matte purpose. So whenever i see something new on the market, i'm interested to see how it would work for me.

The other day i was taking a look around Liberty's beauty hall, when i came across this new brand i've never heard of or seen before: Surratt. I had a chat with the salesman on the counter, and he explained to me that this brand was started by the famous makeup artist Troy Surratt, and is exclusive to Liberty London. Troy believes in using the highest quality ingredients for his makeup, so he started manufacturing his products in Japan. Of course i looked around and swatched many things, but i was most interested in the Matte Automatique Lip Crayons (£24).

Aside from the beautifully sleek packaging, the salesman assured me that these matte formulas are non drying and i wouldn't feel them on my lips at all. So much so, that he said when Mr Surratt himself tested them out, he cried because the formulas were so perfect. Now if that hasn't sold you, i don't know what will. I gave in, and purchased one in the color 4 Megalomane, which is a classic, slightly blue undertoned, standout red.

I tried it on the very next day, and was extremely pleased with the result. It does exactly what it says on the tin: matte finish, long lasting, and non-drying. I'm not sure about the 'not feeling it on your lips' thing, as i was very aware of having it on, but then again, i'm not sure i'll ever find one that i don't feel at all. Alas, i am still not prepared to call this my most favorite matte lipstick EVER, but its definitely rekindled my hope for the perfect formula.

What are some of your favorites? I'd love to hear why, and maybe test them out for myself.

Saturday, 6 September 2014


Honestly, i'm a bit of a skincare addict. I've never had the best skin as it's always been quite acne prone, and after a spot has long left, a scar has taken it's place. So as you can imagine, i'm always on the hunt for products that will prevent spots, even out my skin tone, fade scars, and balance oils. I think i finally have it down to a nice routine that works for me - thank's to the help of Carolin Hiron's blog. But more on all of that later.

Today i want to talk (rave) to you guys about my favorite toner EVER. Yes, that's a bold statement to make, but this product has become a cult classic for good reason. Pixi's one and only Glow Tonic.

If you're thinking "meh, what's so special about a toner, they're not so important anyway" girl, are you wrong. Toner's are not there to remove traces of makeup (cleanser's job!) or close pores, but rather to balance out the PH, and help the rest of your products sink into your skin. I am all about acidic toners for a gentle exfoliation, and that's exactly what the Glow Tonic does. Their website says 'for normal to dry, dull, and aging skin' but i'm more on the combination-oily side and this works great for me. The key ingredients such as Aloe Vera, Witch Hazel, and Ginseng are great for all types skin, and the formula really does help even out and brighten everything. An annoying issue i had before this beautiful thing came into my life was those little pimply-bumps (so technical, i know) that you get around the hairline/on the forehead that just never seem to go away. However, after I incorporated this into my routine, both morning and night, it has almost completely made those bumps disappear, along with balancing my oils and making me look radiant rather than greasy. So if you haven't tried this out yet, i'd definitely recommend picking up a bottle ASAP. Available both in store (if you live in London) or online (ships international, i think) the £16 are WELL worth it.