Saturday, 22 November 2014


When the Hourglass Ambient Lighting powders were released I wasn't too excited to run out and try them. I've never been big on highlight-y products because of my combo-oily skin, and so I never gave in to that hype. My sister does swear by them though, so I can always borrow hers to try out. Anyway that's not what i'm getting at today. When Hourglass started releasing their Ambient Lighting Blushes is when I got excited, as blushes are definitely more up my street. I'd go into Space NK to swatch them, but I found the lighting made the colors look weird and I couldn't decide if I really loved them or not. Fast forward a few months and people start talking about a limited edition Ambient Lighting Blush Palette and I think yes, this is it, this is what I need *cough*want*cough*. So of course to feed my online shopping addiction, I pre-order the palette on Space NK the moment it's available, and it finally arrived on my doorstep this week. 

I've only used it a couple of times so far, but I'm pretty impressed. First of all the packaging is so cute. I love that you get three different shades, one of which is exclusive to the palette, and each color is mixed with a different traditional Ambient Lighting powder. I don't mind the fact that you don't get the full sized amount of each product, as I personally have yet to hit pan on a blush. There's Luminous Flush, a gorgeous rose color; Incandescent Electra, a glowy peach (exclusive); and Mood Exposure, a soft plum. I can't decide on which is my favorite, or if I even have one, but I'm pretty sure I'll be leaning toward Mood Exposure the most these next few months. This palette is also great for traveling as the three shades have you set for any kind of look, and the mixture of the Ambient Lighting powders within them means you don't really need a highlighter.

I'd love to know if you've tried any of the Ambient Lighting powders or blushes and what you think of them, or if you recommend I try any other Hourglass products.

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