Saturday, 17 January 2015


I LOVE skincare. If I went back in time and told my 13 year-old self this, she'd laugh at me. I used to dread doing a skincare routine when i was younger. I had pretty bad acne and wanted it gone, but didn't want to put in the effort of actually sticking to a routine for more than a few days. That all changed when i started using Murad products and they completely saved my skin. That, and starting to actually use makeup on a regular basis made me feel like I should actually put more effort into taking care of my skin. 
Flash forward to now and my skin has been pretty well behaved for the past year or two, mainly because i love having a routine now. I literally can not go to bed without doing all my steps, even if I'm falling asleep while doing them, they will be done. Today, however, I will be sharing my morning skincare routine. My night one is not all that different, but there are some extra steps and a few different products, so let me know if you'd like to see that too.

1. Cleanse

I like to use a gel cleanser in the morning as my skin loves gels, and I feel like it's really refreshing. I am currently using this Clean & Clear deep Action Gel Cleanser (£7.22) which I don't LOVE, but it's doing the job. I think i prefer there Morning Energy Shine Control wash though.

2. Tone

Surprise, surprise, this step features nothing other than my beloved Pixi toner. This has seriously done wonders to my skin, I can't go a day without it (probably from paranoia, but shh). I'm not going to go on about it too much as this already has a whole post dedicated to it which you can check out here.

3. Serum/Cream/Treatment

I don't think I've had anything as effective at keeping my spots at bay than La Roche Posay Effaclar Duo (£15.50). It basically stops me from getting any major breakout, and helps heal the little hormonal ones that slip through. I also think it helps reduce my oily t-zone and reduce scarring, while remaining totally non-drying. It's basically a miracle working product, and if you only want to use one treatment, you should go for this.
PS. I used to use Peptabright as a step before this to help fade acne scars, but most of my old ones have gone now, and with La Roche I haven't gotten any new major scars that I need to take care of. And my skin scars easily.

4. Moisturize

My final step is of course, to moisturize. I'm currently using Lush Vanishing Cream (£18.75) and I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand it smells amazing, and sinks into my skin REALLY fast, which I love for a morning moisturizer. However, since i have combo skin i don't feel like it's enough for my dry bits, and it doesn't seem to help with preventing my oily nose from appearing a few hours into the day. I'm almost done using it up now, and will switch to trying the First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream, although i'm not sure if it'll be too rich to use as a daytime moisturizer. I shall see and let you know how i get on with it.

Of course, i also add SPF if i'm not going to be wearing a foundation that has one. Gotta keep the skin protected from the sun!
Let me know what your routine is like, and if you recommend any products for combo skin x


  1. Oooh, I ought to give the Pixi toner a go. Looks like you've utilized it considerably.

    :] // ▲ ▲

    1. You definitely should! I say it lasts about a good half a year so good value for money. This is my second bottle with my next one ready for when i run out :)

  2. I was looking at the Lush Moisturizer not too long ago and now that I've read your reaction, I'm debating on purchasing it...I also have combination skin so maybe it isn't the best choice? Thanks for the post!

    Great blog!

    1. If you want something really hydrating it definitely isn't the one, but maybe it'll work better for warmer months?

      Thank you! x

  3. Love the gif that you created! Any idea where you can find Pixi Glow Tonic in Canada? I think I'll have to look online, I really want to try it :)

    Erin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty

    1. Thank you!
      I know that Target carry Pixi makeup, maybe check if they get Glow Tonic too? If not, i'm pretty sure their website delivers internationally x

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! I used the website Giffysnap ( it's super easy to use :)

  5. i swear by clarins for my combination skin, it's amazing! i'd love to try the lush moisturizer as well

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

    1. The only Clarins skincare i've tried was a toner, it was good but i didn't love it. Thanks for the recommendation though, i'll definitely check 'em out for other stuff :)

  6. Everyone raves about the Effaclar Duo but it dries out my skin! As for moisturizers, check out the Bioderma Hydrabio.

    1. Oh no way that sucks! Try out Khiel's Blemish control treatment (, it's good too :)
      Ok i'll check it out :D
