Saturday, 10 January 2015


Bite Beauty Luminous Crème Lipstick, $24.00

I think i'm addicted to Bite. Lipstick has always been my all time favorite makeup product to purchase and use, so when i heard about this brand i was very intrigued. Bite is an all natural lip care company that makes their lipsticks with ingredients good enough to eat (literally). Their products use organic, food-grade ingredients and are packed with nourishing and restorative ingredients beeswax, Argan oil, Manuka honey, and Shea butter. Now all of this is nice and good on paper, but how do the products actually perform? Awesome, in my opinion.

From left to right: Pepper, Musk, Zivoli, Vigne, Date, Fig
I first tried them when my cousin went to the US for holiday, i asked her to pick up a shade for me to try. Safe to say I was very surprised and thankful when she came back with three. She got me the two nude shades (Musk and Pepper) and the deep red (Zivoli) from the Luminous Creme Lipstick range, and I was in love the moment I tried one on. They are creamy and extremely pigmented, while still being very comfortable to wear. I found that they last pretty well on me, a good few hours at least, and leave a light stain when the glossyness has worn off. They also have a sweet-ish smell and taste (anybody else?) which I love.

When I went to the US during my winter break i knew i had to pick up at least one more color, and their Agave lip mask which I had heard great things about. I decided to go for a pink (Vigne) as i wear that color quite a lot. I also wanted to try out one of their lip crayons, but i indulged on too many other items i let it pass for this time around. However, the Sephora isle of doom got me (you know what i'm talking about ladies) and i popped one more double ended lipstick in my basket - i mean, two in one AND mini sized? How could I say no? My mom and sister also picked up some other shades and finishes themselves, so i can always borrow theirs to try out.

Bite Beauty Agave Lip Mask, $26.00

Sorry for a bit of a rambly post. Let me know if you've tried out of any Bite's products and what you think of them, I'd love to hear x


  1. I don't know that brand but they really look lovely :)

    1. Their products are lovely! Worth a try if you get the chance :)

  2. How was the lip mask? Have you ever tried the sugar lip polish by Fresh at Sephora?

    1. Yess their lip scrub is amazing! Way better than Lush's IMO. And i haven't tried the lip mask yet haha, i'm trying to use up some of my other lip balms first.
