Saturday, 13 December 2014


When Estee and Amelia first put up this tag i thought it was such a cute idea. I'm all about me-time, and so i knew i would one day answer these questions myself. I've also never done a tag or 'get to know me' kind of post, so this is a good way to start.

What do you watch or read during me-time?
The question is, what do I NOT watch? I follow way too many shows for anyone's own good, but i'm currently super into House of Cards, The 100, Grey's Anatomy, and Arrow. Also not so patiently waiting for How to Get Away With Murder to start up again.
What do you wear during me-time?
99% of the time it's PJs from Aerie, Primark, or Oysho, a comfy hoodie, and of course #nobra.
What are your me-time beauty products?
Usually just lots and lots of lipbalm. If i feel like pampering myself i might put on a face mask - you can check out some of my favorites here
Current favourite nail polish?
I'm usually all about the super pastel or super dark colors. Currently i'm loving Essie's After School-boy Blazer which is a gorgeous almost black navy blue, and Angora Cardie which is a brown, pink and purple.
What do you eat/drink during me-time?
This one is hard because it usually depends on my mood. Most likely i'd have a cup of tea or some water to drink. As for food it can be anywhere from carrots, to chips (mmm, flaming hot cheetos), to popcorn.
Current favourite candle?
Bath and Body Works' autumn candles are my absolute favorite. I know it's almost winter now (not so much here, but we like to pretend), but i'm still obsessed with Flannel. Vanilla Chai was also delicious smelling, i hope they still stock it so i can pick up another.
Do you ever have outdoor me-time?
Not really. I usually like to relax in bed during me-time.
Would you ever go see a movie alone?
I have many times so yes. I don't know why some people think this is a big deal, I really don't mind going to movies alone.
Favourite online shop?
Shopbop, Baublebar and Asos. I shop online so frequently i know my credit card details off by heart #noshame.
Anything to add? What else do you do during me-time?
I love to play/listen to music during me-time. I find it really easy to get lost in and it's such a stress reliever.

I hope you enjoyed learning something new about me. I tag Nueyork, and of course anybody else who wants to do this. Link it to me below so i can check it out :)