Saturday, 29 November 2014


I have a love/hate relationship with running. When I get a routine going and do it semi-regularly it isn't too bad, but if I stop for a few months, coming back to it is absolute hell and I end up wondering why I would inflict such torture upon myself. That being said, I've been pretty good about it since September, and through the motivation of my sister I signed up for my first ever race which took place yesterday. It was a 4.5km race (no idea why they didn't bump it up to 5k, but oh well) and although I didn't get an amazing time, I was happy that i achieved my goal of under 30mins - I did it in 29:36 (Pace of 6:47/km). Two quick lessons/things that would've been nice to hear before the race:

1. IGNORE THE PEOPLE. Seriously. It does you no good trying to keep up with someone or worrying about the amount of people that pass you. Yes, it's a bit weird and stressful if you're used to running alone, but know your pace and stick to it. Especially at the beginning. You don't want to burn out too soon and end up injuring yourself.

2. Breathe and keep going. You are doing this for you, not anyone else. If you need to walk, that's absolutely fine, just keep going and don't stop. You got this!

The only thing that got me through and helped my push was my music as i can NOT run listening to my panting. If you need some motivation or ideas, here's a look at my playlist:
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark - Fall Out Boy
Harder To Breathe - Maroon 5
Sex - The 1975
Animal - Neon Trees
Secret Valentine - We The Kings
Rusty Halo - The Script
The Great Escape - Boys Like Girls
Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
The Dog Days Are Over - Florence and The Machine
Let It Go - The Neighbourhood
The Mighty Fall (Feat. Big Sean) - Fall Out Boy
Don't Speak - No Doubt
The Last Something That Meant Anything - Mayday Parade
Wish You Away - There For Tomorrow
Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson
Shake It - Metro Station
The Reckless And The Brave - All Time Low
Moving In the Dark - Neon Trees
Car Underwater - Armor For Sleep
Mad Love - Neon Trees
Say It Ain't So - Weezer
Life After You - Daughtry
Love Drunk - Boys Like Girls
Trojans - Atlas Genius
I realize that some of the choices may seem a bit weird, but I need the beat of my music to match the pace i'm running at, so with the help of I've compiled this list. If you have any suggestions of songs you think I'd like, or some of your favorite workout music, I'd love to hear it!


  1. Great post! I love to run, but i also really find it hard to ignore people.. Please have a look at my blog tooღ

    Augusta |

  2. I wish I could get into the habit of running but I have tried and just keep giving up.

    Kate Spade handbag giveaway on the blog right now, come check it out.

    xx, Jodi

    1. Ahh i know what you mean! It's insanely hard at the beginning, but keep at it and find the right music - it makes ALL the difference!
