Saturday, 4 October 2014


Let's be honest here, no ones likes the look or feeling of dry chappy lips, but at the same time it's something we all go through at one time or another. Unlucky for me, my one time is pretty much all the time. However, what's unfortunate for me is lucky for you, as this means i have tried and tested many balms, and can help you decide what to try out and what to pass up. Having constantly dry lips has left me on a never ending hunt for the perfect lip balm (or shall i say lip balms), and here are my top five picks.

You might be wondering why i haven't narrowed these picks down to the ultimate one, and the truth is .. i can't! They ultimately do the same job, but i use each one in a different way and for a different reason, so here's the break down:

1. Burt's Bees Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranate Oil, £3.69
Not only is this one of my all time favorite lip balms ever, it is the easiest one to find. I prefer the pomegranate version over the others mostly for the scent, but all of Burt's Bees lip balms are brilliant. So much in fact, that i never leave the house without one of these in my purse. It's great underneath lipstick to keep your lips hydrated and protected, but also ontop of some of the more drying formulas. I also find that applying this once a lipstick has faded away and left a stain really helps even things out, and stops the color from settling into the lines of the lips. 

2. H&M Lip Balm in Wild Vanilla, £1.50 (Can't find exact product, linked a similar one)
I have never actually heard anyone talk about these before, so it may seem like an unusual pick, but i really think this is one of those hidden gems. Honestly, i would never have thought to pick this up, but those stands they have near the cashiers -you know what i'm talking about- pulled me in and i thought 'what the heck, might as well give it a go' and i'm happy to say i was pleasantly surprised. Given that it's only £1.55 for such a huge tube, i had nothing to lose anyway. The formula has Shea butter in it which i absolutely love, and i find the texture to be nice and rich - great for no makeup days. So yes, it's quite big and chunky and definitely not ideal handbag size, but it's a great one to have in your room/bathroom/around the house. 

3. EOS Lipbalm in Lemon Drop, £4.20
Now this is one that has been raved about over and over, and after finally getting my hands on one i can see why. It's not my FAVORITE out of my picks, but it's a great one none the less. Full of Shea butter and vitamins C&E, this is once again a great light balm for daily use. It's also the only one on here with SPF 15, which makes it great for holidays. If a lemon-y scent isn't your thing though, i'd suggest trying out one of the other flavors, as it is quite strong.

4. Nuxe Rêve de Miel Ultra-Nourishing Lip Balm, £9.50
Time for a cult classic. After seeing many beauty bloggers and youtubers go on about this balm i had to give it a go. The texture is super rich and creamy which makes it a great one for overnight use. I use this one daily before going to bed and it has helped SO much with the overall condition of my lips. I hardly ever wake up feeling chapped and dehydrated as the thick texture is ultra moisturizing and makes it last all night. If you have very problematic lips or are going through a 'rough patch' i'd definitely recommend to give this a go. It's not the cheapest, but honestly so much product comes in this little pot that it will last you a very long time (and it's well worth it).

5. Dr. Lipp's Original Nipple Balm for Lips, £11.50
This is my ultimate SOS balm when nothing else seems to do the trick. I know the name seems a little weird, but the product is really something else. It's a thick, clear, and slightly sticky textured balm that can be used on dry lips, eczema, cuticles, burns and you guessed it - sore nipples. I have personally only tried it on lips and dry elbows, and it's definitely a super intensive treatment. So much so in fact, that i sometimes still feel it on my lips when i wake up. The glossy finish it leaves means it can also be used on top of any lip product of your preference to add a nice shine. The site even suggests trying it for highlighting the cheekbones, but given the texture it's not something i'm too keen on trying out. Nevertheless, if you need an intensive treatment that just works, try this out.

So let me know what are your all time favorite holy-grail balms, as i'm always open to trying out new ones. You never know, one might end up replacing one of my top 5.


  1. I have to second your opinions on 1,3, and 4. Burt's Bees is miraculous. Eos' lip balm, I got the red summer fruit one, and it's amazing but the flavor isnt the greatest. Reve de Miel is so rich, it's such a soothing feeling. I've got to try the rest. I'm kind of in shock about the H&M one.

    1. Haha i'm glad you agree :D And i know! I was very pleasantly surprised x
