Saturday, 29 November 2014


I have a love/hate relationship with running. When I get a routine going and do it semi-regularly it isn't too bad, but if I stop for a few months, coming back to it is absolute hell and I end up wondering why I would inflict such torture upon myself. That being said, I've been pretty good about it since September, and through the motivation of my sister I signed up for my first ever race which took place yesterday. It was a 4.5km race (no idea why they didn't bump it up to 5k, but oh well) and although I didn't get an amazing time, I was happy that i achieved my goal of under 30mins - I did it in 29:36 (Pace of 6:47/km). Two quick lessons/things that would've been nice to hear before the race:

1. IGNORE THE PEOPLE. Seriously. It does you no good trying to keep up with someone or worrying about the amount of people that pass you. Yes, it's a bit weird and stressful if you're used to running alone, but know your pace and stick to it. Especially at the beginning. You don't want to burn out too soon and end up injuring yourself.

2. Breathe and keep going. You are doing this for you, not anyone else. If you need to walk, that's absolutely fine, just keep going and don't stop. You got this!

The only thing that got me through and helped my push was my music as i can NOT run listening to my panting. If you need some motivation or ideas, here's a look at my playlist:
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark - Fall Out Boy
Harder To Breathe - Maroon 5
Sex - The 1975
Animal - Neon Trees
Secret Valentine - We The Kings
Rusty Halo - The Script
The Great Escape - Boys Like Girls
Check Yes Juliet - We The Kings
The Dog Days Are Over - Florence and The Machine
Let It Go - The Neighbourhood
The Mighty Fall (Feat. Big Sean) - Fall Out Boy
Don't Speak - No Doubt
The Last Something That Meant Anything - Mayday Parade
Wish You Away - There For Tomorrow
Already Gone - Kelly Clarkson
Shake It - Metro Station
The Reckless And The Brave - All Time Low
Moving In the Dark - Neon Trees
Car Underwater - Armor For Sleep
Mad Love - Neon Trees
Say It Ain't So - Weezer
Life After You - Daughtry
Love Drunk - Boys Like Girls
Trojans - Atlas Genius
I realize that some of the choices may seem a bit weird, but I need the beat of my music to match the pace i'm running at, so with the help of I've compiled this list. If you have any suggestions of songs you think I'd like, or some of your favorite workout music, I'd love to hear it!

Saturday, 22 November 2014


When the Hourglass Ambient Lighting powders were released I wasn't too excited to run out and try them. I've never been big on highlight-y products because of my combo-oily skin, and so I never gave in to that hype. My sister does swear by them though, so I can always borrow hers to try out. Anyway that's not what i'm getting at today. When Hourglass started releasing their Ambient Lighting Blushes is when I got excited, as blushes are definitely more up my street. I'd go into Space NK to swatch them, but I found the lighting made the colors look weird and I couldn't decide if I really loved them or not. Fast forward a few months and people start talking about a limited edition Ambient Lighting Blush Palette and I think yes, this is it, this is what I need *cough*want*cough*. So of course to feed my online shopping addiction, I pre-order the palette on Space NK the moment it's available, and it finally arrived on my doorstep this week. 

I've only used it a couple of times so far, but I'm pretty impressed. First of all the packaging is so cute. I love that you get three different shades, one of which is exclusive to the palette, and each color is mixed with a different traditional Ambient Lighting powder. I don't mind the fact that you don't get the full sized amount of each product, as I personally have yet to hit pan on a blush. There's Luminous Flush, a gorgeous rose color; Incandescent Electra, a glowy peach (exclusive); and Mood Exposure, a soft plum. I can't decide on which is my favorite, or if I even have one, but I'm pretty sure I'll be leaning toward Mood Exposure the most these next few months. This palette is also great for traveling as the three shades have you set for any kind of look, and the mixture of the Ambient Lighting powders within them means you don't really need a highlighter.

I'd love to know if you've tried any of the Ambient Lighting powders or blushes and what you think of them, or if you recommend I try any other Hourglass products.

Saturday, 15 November 2014


Revlon Colorstay Moisture Lip Stain, £7.99

There have been a lot of mixed reviews on these lip products, but I have to jump on the 'love' bandwagon. I was interested in trying them out because I generally love Revlon lip products anyway, and the promise of moisture, shine AND longevity was that one last push I needed.

First of all, I love the packaging. The cube is a teeny bit chunky, but they sit next to each other so perfectly that it doesn't really bother me at all. The actual applicator is also a good size, with a tapered end to help you get the perfect application around the corners and cupids bow. Now on to the actual product. The formula has a bit of a weird texture that's kind of thick and watery, but it smoothes on to the lips so easily you barely notice. On first application it might look a bit patchy, but just rub your lips together a bit and put on a second coat and voila - smooth, opaque and lovely. I have the two shades Barcelona Nights and Shanghai Sizzle, and I found no difference in the formula between them. After the first application I found I was good to go for a few hours before the shine faded, and even when it did I was left with a lovely non-drying stain. The color selection is also gorgeous, with 12 shades there's bound to be something for everyone. 

So all in all this is a definite hit for me. Let me know what you guys thought of this product, or if you had issues with any of the colors. I might need to pick up India Intrigue sometime soon, I love that purple-y undertone…

Saturday, 8 November 2014


I love a good face mask. I try and do one 1-2 times a week depending on my skin and what i feel like it needs. I've been trying my best not to hoard any new ones until i use up a couple from my stash. Here are my top picks for three different kinds of moods (all of which smell amazing, btw)


Aesop Chamomile Concentrate Anti Blemish Masque, £33 for 60ml
I got this mask as a recommendation from the sales person after explaining what kind of thing i was looking for, and i was very impressed. I've never tried anything else from Aesop before, but many people love it so i thought i'd give it a go. I normally use this when i feel like my skin can't decide what it wants to do. I might have some dry patches, a few blemishes, and some oily patches; i just slap this on, leave it for a good 15-20mins, and my skin is very happy afterwards. I don't find it helps with really nasty stubborn spots, but it does a great job at just calming everything down and making my face 'one'. I will definitely repurchase this once i run out.


Glamglow Thirstymud £49.99 for 50ml 
Now i've never tried a hydrating mask before, so i don't really have a basis of comparison, but i do think this is an excellent mask. I love how there's a little leaflet inside explaining different ways of using this product, such as as a regular mask, on the plane, or as an overnight intensive treatment. I used this quite a lot when i got sunburned, and it really helped to stop the peeling and wholly nourish my skin. Especially when i put on a thick layer of it overnight, i woke up the next morning with my skin looking happy and no dry patch in sight. If you're a gal with dry skin (or not, mine is oily-combo) I'd definitely recommend giving this a go.

This is the BEST mask i have tried for a really deep cleanse when your skin is just not cooperating with you. It gets super deep into your pores and manages to pull out any dirt that's in there. I usually put a thinnish layer all over my face, and then add more to the areas that i feel need it. It is a bit weird and tingly when you first apply it, but after a few minutes that goes away and you can leave it on for as long as you need (i usually do 10-15 minutes). Unlike other mud masks, it doesn't dry out my skin like crazy, but rather leaves it feeling soft and refreshed.

I'd love to hear what some of your favorites are in the comments below :)

Saturday, 1 November 2014


I am generally a big blush fan. After evening my skin out with a good foundation and concealer, i always feel like a little more color needs to be brought back into the face, and more often than not I go for a blush over a bronzer. I never thought i would  be too picky on which color i use since i apply it with a light hand, but i found that i actually switch it up quite a lot depending on what i'm doing with the rest of my makeup. My favorite blush for autumn/winter time in general is Sleek's Pomegranate. 

Sleek Blush in Pomegranate, £4.49
Although we don't get a lot of cooler weather here in Dubai, i still like to imagine it's autumn right now. Sleek in general do the best blushes on the high street. You get quite a lot of product, and they're so pigmented you only ever need the slightest amount. They also do some great trios with a variety of shades, very compact and perfect for traveling. 

Back to Pomegranate though. I got this blush a little over year ago, and i remember being pretty much obsessed with it last autumn/winter too. It's a deep raspberry color with a bit of shimmer running through it, and it blends like a dream. I think this color will work great with all skin tones, but it really packs a punch, so if you're on the lighter side make sure to use a VERY light hand when applying it. 

The shimmer in it helps perk up the complexion, and i think the color looks amazing with a bold berry or red lip - I love pairing it with Mac's Rebel. I'm also very impressed that this color doesn't fade away throughout the day like most blushes. I wore it for a whole day (almost 12 hours) this week, and it was still visibly there come night time; there was no fading or weird patching . All in all, i really have nothing bad to say about this baby.

What are some of your favorite all time blushes? I'd love to know x