Saturday, 20 September 2014


I have never been much of a eyeliner person, let alone liquid liner. No matter how hard i tried, i could never get the hang of it. The wings were wonky, or one was always too thick, and it just made my eyes look like two completely different shapes. For that reason, i left it alone and stuck to tons of mascara instead. Recently however, as i've been getting more into applying simple eyeshadow on a semi daily basis, i kept feeling like my look was missing something: eyeliner. So i decided to try again.

What i realized was gel liner was NOT for me. I can never get the right amount onto my brush, it dries out in a weird way, and overall requires too much faffing about. I like it to be quick, simple, and comfortable. So i ventured into the liquid liner department. Dangerous territory, but once you find the right product it's magic. And oh did i find the right product.

Oh Stila. Stila, stila, stila. So many people have talked about this product before, i don't know why i waited so long to give it a go and denied myself years of perfect cat eyed liquid liner. I have to admit, the perfect wings don't magically appear everyday day, but this liner has definitely made it SO much easier. 

First of all, it's in pen form, which i personally think is the easiest since we can all write and have been doing so for years, so holding this is very natural. Second, the felt-tip nib is the perfect firmness and length. It's not so hard that it pokes your eye out, but rather keeps its shape while still bending along with your movement. It also doesn't go all weird and fuzzy, or become too soft after constant use. And finally, the formula itself is just great. It's jet black on it's own or on top of eyeshadow, and
as the name suggests it stays on ALL day. Even in hot, sweaty, sticky weather it does not budge (i've had a wing smudge halfway down my face before - definitely NOT attractive). So for the moment, this is my favorite product. I've been wearing it all throughout summer, and see myself doing so into the autumn and winter months.

Let me know what's your favorite liquid liner, and which one i should try next. On my list is the Soap & Glory Supercat liner.


  1. Hey, I've followed your amazing blog! I love using liquid eyeliner too, especially the felt tip pens. I've never tried this brand before but it looks amazing! I love how pigmented it looks! My favourite eyeliner right now is the Bourjois mega liner :)

    1. Ah thank you! How exciting, my first follower :)!
      It really is amazing. I'll definitely take a look at the Bourjois one next ^^

  2. I love stilla products!! You should be a salesperson, your so convincing!! ❤️❤️

    1. Hahaha, me too! They make some awesome stuff ^^ Thank you! xx

  3. it's very in Stila! have you seen the Sephora eyeliner that's specially shaped so it's easier to apply?

    1. Oh my gosh, the pun *dies of lameness* hahaha. I haven't! But i want to, i think it's gimicky but should be interesting.
