Saturday, 27 September 2014


We've all seen the Argan Oil trend come in to light over the past few years, with tons of brands including it in their hair, face, and body care products. This is both a good and bad thing. Mainly good, because people can now enjoy the benefits of Aragan Oil without having to search far and wide for it. However, it's also not so great as some brands include a minuscule amount and use it for advertising, when just 1% of the oil among a sea of other ingredient won't really allow you to receive any of the benefits.

Moroccanoil Treatment, £31.85 for 100ml
Personally, i love using it for my hair, especially the Moroccanoil brand. I have pretty soft hair in general, but since it's curly, the top layer and ends can frizz out quite a bit. For this reason, i love using a pump or two straight onto damp hair before applying any other products. I find that it allows the ends of my hair to hold the curl more, add moisture and shine, and helps lessen the appearance of frizz. And even thought i said i have pretty soft hair, this just makes my hair SO MUCH softer. It also smells amazing which is always a plus.I also found that it can also be used on dry hair to tame those fly aways, but be careful not to apply too much as it can look greasy.

So if you haven't given it ago, i'd highly recommend incorporating it into your routine for some extra nourishment. And if you have tried Argan Oil, let me know what's your favorite way to use it in the comments below.


  1. I'm guilty of picking up the ones that only have a few small drops of argan oil, definitely need to find a replacement. Can you get this product in the UAE? If not, is there another one you'd recommend?

    1. I know, it's hard since so many brands like to use it for advertising. I will admit after some research this isn't the best out there but it works for me and is quite easy to find. I got it through my mom, but i'm pretty sure most salons carry it, i'll check and let you know x

  2. I think I'll have to bite the bullet and try some Morroccan Oil now! I've been umming and arrring about it for a while as it's so pricey, but I THINK you've finally converetd me :) xx

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

    1. Ahh, my hair loves it so i really think it's worth giving it a go :) Let me know if you get on with it! xx
